Monday, 21 May 2007

How I believe Astrology can help your life.

Living with Astrology
Many people regard Astrology in many different ways. And some people of course don't regard it at all. I, however, live with it on a daily basis. I have ignored it on occasions and realised after certain events took place that I should have followed my instincts and gone with what I had learnt over the years instead of listening to close minded people.
So, after much thought and vacillating I let Astrology into my life completely. It helps. It really helps.
It helped me find myself, who I really am. It has helped me understand others around me so much better and forced me into being more patient with others habits. As well as understanding how frustrating my own can be! Astrology has let me work out my children and give them the help they need for who they are. I now understand there characteristics far better thus have learned how to help each of them individually.
I truly believe that it can improve our lives. The brilliant thing I have found is that you can try and alter the bits that may not be so becoming. Like my patience for instance!! It helps us to become aware of both faults and positive traits thus enabling us to motivate and alter correctly. Even down to the work place. I knew I could never be happy working the mundane grind of being in an office as I myself am a Gemini. And it has taken me years to finally settle with something. I have recently been introduced to copy writing and I feel I have now found my place.
I don't think that although we are all more compatible with some signs than we are with others, that we should shun people from different elements. Instead it can help us to understand people better. Especially in relationships. I used to panic if I met a guy who wasn’t on my list of suitable Star Signs! This probably made the whole thing worse as I was constantly waiting for things to go wrong then being able to say “ha! Yes that is because we are not astrologically compatible" which in my opinion is using Astrology in the wrong way.
Saying that, I have however noticed in many observations over several years that people do tend to UN knowingly pick people from the Signs and elements that are more aligned to them. Often I have asked people who have been friends for many years what signs they are and more often than not they are compatible. Of course there are those who are not, who tend to flair up into great arguments, but learning why half the battle to conquering it is. I had a friend once who was a Scorpio, and we were great friends, but we seemed to have a repel and attract relationship! As we actually had not very much in common so in the end just got on because of our differences!! Also visit my Blog on Jim Morrison which also contains his birth chart!

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