Thursday, 24 May 2007

Here comes Gemini!!

Can you hear that noise? giggling? It’s OK; it's the time of the Gemini's!
I am a Gemini and I have to say for the most part I enjoy being one. It isn't always easy, people tend to want to squash your childish ways and make you adhere to their more sensible ones. This is both annoying and hard to understand. People always want Gemini to grow up! A common misconception is that Geminian's are two faced. This does annoy me so as it is my belief that being two faced is a common fault in a lot of people. We are not two faced; we merely like to talk ... a lot!! The fact is we are more than one person. And more than two. The best person I can use to describe this is the Actor Johnny Depp, as he is a Gemini. I don't think acting comes that hard to him; he is simply accentuating all his own characteristics and exaggerating them into different characters. Thus we have one of the all time great actors. Not that I am taking his acting ability away from him you understand, just simply applying astrology to it. He has chosen the right career for his sign, something that would be nice for us all! It is not because I am one myself; I just enjoy watching Gemini people. They seem to stand out more than most signs. The easiest way to tell a Gemini is not in a child's playground, as children are meant to be playful. It is middle aged people whom are supposed to be mature and responsible. The Gemini adult is the one who is still being less conventional, still laughing in the wrong places, getting great joy out of embarrassing their children (which is awful as we know how it is to be a shy and embarrassed child) and basically has a child like charm about them and an annoying youthful look. Of course other signs can look youthful, but not in quite the same elfish way as Gemini. Like for instance my Dad. Undoubtedly the most remarkable person I know. I was terribly embarrassed of him when I was a child for the way he dressed and how he felt the need to say good morning to everyone that walked past him. However, he is my inspiration. He has been through so much in the last year, serious operations on his spine; things that would make a lot of people give up. But he is still standing...not only standing but going to the gym, swimming, and working!! And most of all, through it all, smiling his big welcoming smile! And yes, a Gemini. He is 74 on the 29th May. And doesn't look a day over 60! So there you have it. Oh and another thing about us Gemini's, we often start something knowing 100% what it is going to be about, then when we read back through we discover that not one word was as planned. This Blog was meant to be about the next month, and how it belongs to the sign of the Gemini. Still, maybe some of you will be able to sift through my ramblings and make some sense of it. And I bet I'll know who those will be!